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Mother's Day in an Era of a Pandemic

As the second Sunday in May quickly approaches, the iconic Mother's Day holiday may take on a different meaning than in year's past for many of us.  For me, I am not only a mother myself, but I have a mother that I have truly "missed" seeing since this pandemic began.  Although my parents don't live far from us, they are in their early 70s and my dad has underlying health conditions.  As a result, our family has taken extra precautions and we have heeded the orders to stay home.  

As Mother's Day approaches and it appears that life may not return to normal in a few short weeks - we will adjust and find alternative ways beyond brunch out and visits to our favorite parks to honor mom.  But of all years that mothers and grandmothers have been true heroes and deserve praise, it might just be 2020. We celebrate mothers for more reasons than can be listed in a simple post.  But, here a few we recognize this year in particular  

  • Mothers have quickly been thrown into an unanticipated circus where they must show up with an arsenal of more hats than they currently own.  From adjusting to alternative work routines, making multiple meals a day, disrupted home routines (aka, husband home too?), homeschool/password monitor, 24 hour house-cleaner, grief counselor (mourning what is no longer), social "mom, I'm bored".  
  • True exhaustion is being redefined during this time.  If we thought we were  "tired" in the past, it is nothing compared to emotional fatigue that many of us have felt during this time.  From fear to worry to uncertainty - the emotional roller coaster of this pandemic has been truly exhausting.   
  • And let us not forget about mothers who are over the age of 65.  Many of these mothers are now grandmothers as well and have adapted to learning new technology for the sake of connecting with their family and friends.  These matriarchs have quickly learned to adapt during this time and continue to be our heroes, now more than ever.  

For all you mothers out there - you are applauded for all those hats you must switch out on a daily basis.  There will come a time when you may be able to permanently hang up a few hats.  In the meantime, treat yourself to some humble grace as you simply get through each day of this 'new normal'.  

And, soon.  Soon - we will be able to hug our mothers, grandmas, sisters, aunties, friends, neighbors.  And the embrace will take on a beautiful new meaning.  Maybe this pandemic is on opportunity to pause and hit the reset button and embrace a life with what we value most. 

Brighter days are coming!  

    My mom and I in Philadelphia last winter.